お食事 meal
御飯物 set meal
◆特製もみじ定食 special momiji set meal
※当店おすすめ recommended
◆もみじ定食 momiji set meal
◆あなごめし conger sea-eel rice set meal
◆特製あなごめし deluxe conger sea-eel rice set meal
◆カキフライ定食 fried oyster set meal
◆天ぷら定食 tempura set meal
◆からあげ定食 fried chicken set meal
◆あなごむすび(1ケ)eel rice ball ¥400
◆むすび(1ケ) rice ball ¥300
(しゃけ・うめ・こぶ salmon, chinese plum, kelp )
◆のり茶漬け rice with tea poured on laver ¥550
◆ごはん(中) middle bowl rice ¥350
◆〃(小) small ¥220
◆つけもの盛り pickled vegetables ¥450
◆キムチ spicy Korean pickled cabbage ¥450
とりあえず quick menu
◆冷やっこ cold tofu ¥350
◆もろきゅう unused things ¥450
◆梅きゅう plum bulb ¥450
◆マヨきゅう mayo bulb ¥450
◆枝豆 green soybeans ¥350
◆トマト tomato ¥350
◆牛すじ煮込み stewed beef tendon ¥650
◆大野あさり酒蒸し steamed scallion with sake ¥700
◆あなごちくわ tube-shaped eel ¥450 ※picture
サラダ salad
◆トーフサラダ tofu salad ¥650
◆グリーンサラダ green salad ¥550
◆穴子サラダ ell salad ¥850
◆生ハムと玉葱のサラダ dry-cured ham and onion salad ¥850
◆トマトサラダ tomato salad ¥650
刺身 sashimi
◆本日の刺身三点盛 3 types combination of sashimi ¥1,450
◆本日の刺身二点盛 2 types combination of sashimi ¥1,350
揚げ物 fried food
◆カキフライ fried oyster ¥900
(単品5粒 5 piece)
◆穴子ちくわの磯辺揚 fried tube-shaped eel ¥550
◆小いわしの唐揚 fried small sardine ¥650
◆とりの唐揚 fried chicken ¥600 ※picture
◆とり皮の唐揚 fried chickin skin ¥450
◆なん骨の唐揚 fried chicken cartilage ¥550
◆ささみチーズ巻揚 fried white meat and cheese ¥680
◆ささみたらこ巻揚 fried sasamorpha borealis ¥680
◆チーズカリカリ揚 fried cheeze ¥550
◆茄子の田楽 grilled eggplant dumpling ¥650
◆茄子の揚出し deep-fried eggplant ¥480
◆ごぼうの唐揚 fried burdock root ¥350
◆揚げ出し豆腐 deep-fried tofu ¥480
◆手造りコロッケ croquette ¥550
◆ポテトフライ fried potato ¥350
焼き物 grilled food
◆広島穴子の蒲焼 eel dipped and broiled in soy-based sauce ¥1,300
◆広島穴子の白焼 grilled ell without seasoning ¥1,300
◆焼き牡蠣(2個) grilled oyster 2 piece¥600
(4個)grilled oyster 4 piece ¥1,200 ※picture
天ぷら tempura
◆穴子天ぷら ell tempura ¥1,300
◆小いわしの天ぷら small sardine tempura ¥700 ※picture
◆げそ天ぷら squid tempura ¥650
◆盛り合わせ天ぷら assorted tenpura ¥980 ※picture
◆たこ天ぷら octopus tempura ¥850
◆白肉天ぷら white meet tempura ¥650
◆はす天ぷら lotus tempura ¥700
珍味 delicacy
◆かにみそ miso mixed with crab innards or scraps ¥450
◆ほたるいか sparkling enope squid ¥450
◆かき塩辛 salted oyster ¥700
◆Menu may change depending on season and availability